miniature Commission


2019 I started mini painting for my newly made D&D group. And I was hooked. Painting everything from players & monsters to display minis that I 3D printed or those I have bought from various sculptors in the miniature industry. I have competed in various online and local competitions. I love to paint, and would love to help you have the minis you have always wanted. Photos and communication are a given to make sure it’s going as planned. Below are the starting prices and description of the different levels. Feel free to contact me with questions you may have and to discuss what it is you want, and to make sure we have the details and final price all lined up.


basic - $15

This is just the basic of the basic. Base, highlight, shadow, and plain Jane basing with some texture paste and paint. Best for quick jobs, squads, quick turn around, and minis 40mm or less in base.
Delivery in 30 days or less.

standard - $65

Minis up to a 40mm base again, but are more detailed and require more love than your standard unit. Extra basing, and finer detail for characters and heroes. Also for if you want an extra punch to your army, squad prices can be discussed for a better looking group of troops.
Delivery in 60 days, may vary on number of minis if getting more than one.

premium - $200

For the big boys. Vehicles, large monsters, busts, 75mm models, dioramas, and the list goes on. This is the all out tier, and this is starting price, as the size, complication of color scheme, the detail of the model, and how well you want the miniature painted. Delivery in 60-90 days to give optimal time to get your stuff painted just how you want it.

**Models I need to purchase will be charged for up front, so I don’t loose out if the job is cancelled. Delivery times may vary based on the size of the project.
Shipping is not included in these prices.**